Virtual 504 / IEP Consulting Services


Virtual 504 & IEP Consultant Based in Frederick, MD

Migdal Consulting LLC is a trusted special education educational consultant in Frederick, MD specializing in dyslexia support, learning disability testing, IEP & 504 support, educational testing, virtual tutoring, and more. We provide 504 & IEP consulting services for students and families in Frederick County, MD, and surrounding areas as well as nationally and internationally.
Let’s Talk About How We Can Help…

Online 504 / IEP Advocacy Support Services

Educational Testing & 504 / IEP Consulting Based in Frederick, MD

A 504 plan is a legal document under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that outlines accommodations and modifications for students with disabilities who require support to access education. It ensures that students with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities and may include accommodations such as extended time for tests, preferential seating, or the use of assistive technology. The plan is developed by a team, including parents, educators, and other relevant professionals, and is tailored to meet the individual needs of the student.
Let’s talk about your child’s IEP needs.

Online 504 / IEP Advocacy Support Services

Educational Testing & 504 / IEP Consulting Based in Frederick, MD

As someone who has sat in three seats at the IEP table: a special education teacher, general education teacher, and parent of dyslexic children, Marla Migdal offers a unique perspective and valuable expertise on the development and implementation of 504 & IEP plans for a student with learning disabilities.
Migdal Consulting will consult, support, and advocate for you to make sure your child receives FAPE and the accommodations needed to achieve academically.
Let’s work as a team….

IEP Support Services

Migdal Consulting is a special education educational consultant experienced in IEP development and implementatio. Your child may receive an IEP (Individual Education Program) once they become eligible for special education services.. The IEP is created by a team, with the case manager overseeing the process, and parents play a crucial role in this team. Testing results are used to establish goals in various areas of need, and multiple data points are considered.

Goals within the IEP are expected to be SMART—Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Result-oriented, and Time-bound. The IEP is a flexible document, and the team can convene at any time for reviews and updates. External evaluations can be utilized to shape individualized goals, and progress monitoring is a key aspect, with reports provided to parents each term. The IEP encompasses services provided by a provider to address the established goals, along with accommodations and supplementary aids. In contrast, a 504 plan lacks specific goals for progress monitoring. Both the IEP and 504 plan may include identifications such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, and other disabilities.

Educational Testing

Migdal Consulting provides educational testing for students facing learning challenges. These assessments are an invaluable tool used by the IEP team to assess students’ strengths and weaknesses at a skill level. This data is crucial for informed goal setting and progress monitoring in areas like fluency, decoding, spelling, and comprehension. While schools can identify Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia, it’s important to note that they don’t provide formal diagnoses. Supplemental assessments, alongside the school’s full psychological and educational evaluations, play a crucial role in pinpointing Specific Learning Disabilities. If a student has received a diagnosis from a Neuro-psychological Evaluation outside the school system, additional informal educational assessments can enhance goal planning and progress monitoring.

Examples of some of the assessments we conduct include QRI, Pat 2, Words Their Way, DIBELS 8, and Informal Individual Diagnostic Evaluations.

Write IEP Goals and Objectives

I can write specific and measurable goals that are individualized for your child in a report that can be presented at the IEP Meeting.

IEP Review

I can review your current IEP and compare the goals and progress monitoring data with previous IEPs. Then write a plan and report based on all the data collected to help you make informed decision at your IEP meetings. This will inform requests and changes you would like made with goals and possibly services for your child.

IEP Meeting Support

I can attend your IEP meeting with you (prefer virtual at this time) to support your needs and goals and help guide you through the process.

504 Meeting Support

I can help you through the 504 process and help make sure accommodations are provided and written.

Classroom Observation

My team and I can provide classroom observations to help you understand your child’s needs in the classroom.

Expert Witness

I can provide this service for families that are going through Due Process.

Data Review

Sometimes parents need a few items of data or testing reviewed to get clarification. Therefore we can provide a report/charts to help you make sense of the data and make communicating data manageable.

Educational Testing & 504/IEP Consulting Services


Migdal Consulting is an Educational Consultant Specializing in Dyslexia Providing Educational Testing & 504/IEP Consulting Services for Students with Learning Disabilities.

Based in Frederick, MD, we serve students with learning disabilities in all of Frederick County, Maryland, Montgomery County, Howard County, and Carroll County, as well as students nationally and internationally through virtual tutoring and educational consulting services. 

What is Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)?


Students with disabilities are entitled to the same access to K-12 public education as their peers without disabilities. To ensure they can fully benefit from their education, students with disabilities may need special education and related aids and services. Both Section 504 and Title II require public schools to provide appropriate education, modifications, aids, and related services at no cost to students with disabilities and their parents or guardians.
The term “appropriate” underscores the need for education tailored to meet the unique needs of each student, as determined through thorough evaluation and placement procedures. However, it’s essential that students with disabilities are integrated into the educational experience with their peers without disabilities to the fullest extent possible.
Contact us to connect with an experienced and certified special education tutor.


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